Monday, September 20, 2010

Reflections on the weekend...

Vanna with Uncle Bill

  Early Saturday morning my wife's uncle passed away.. Pictures here with my daughter Vanessa. He was married to my father-in-laws' sister for over 50 years. His health had been failing for some time, and had been in the hospital for about the last 6 weeks. His condition had ebbed and flowed within that period. His death was not unexpected, and family members were able to say their goodbyes. Amanda and Van have gone to Louisiana for to comfort his widow Pam and for the funeral which will be on Wednesday.
    RIP Uncle Bill... you have gone to a better place.
Hygienists at an annual session

  Annual Duties at the annual session.... This weekend I was in Albuquerque most of the weekend for the New Mexico Dental Hygienists Annual session. Dental Hygiene profession is mostly dominated with females.. I think that the profession is like 98% female. Males in that crowd stick out like a sore thumb....Every year its like I relive that reoccurring nightmare where I'm out in public and can't figure out why everybody is starring at me...Then suddenly I realize that I have no pants on. Once again out in public miles away from any pants. How does this keep happening to me?!?!

    School has been back in session for at least 2 weeks, longer in others. Official end to summer is just around the corner. Fall... a time for reflection and gather stores and energy for the winter season, a time for work and celebration....

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