Monday, October 17, 2011

Open Mike at the Buckhorn

Today's Weather
Today: Sunny, with a high near 80. Northwest wind around 15 mph, with gusts as high as 21 mph.  
Tonight: Clear, with a low around 46. North northwest wind between 9 and 14 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph.

  Wonder Walker  8 am Active & Alive 538-4826s, meet at Murray Ryan Visitor’s Center
Strong Women/Strong Bones 9:30 am-11 am Active & Alive 538-4826 , grant Cty Extension Service 388-1559
Stretching/Toning with Bands 11 am Active & Alive 538-4826 , Silver  City Senior Center
Silver Stompers Intermed. 3:30 pm-5:30 pm  Active & Alive 538-4826 , GC Business/Conf Center
Quilt Block of the Month  *5:30 pm It’s Sew Much Fun! 601 N Bullard St 534-4000
  Table Tennis (bring paddle) *5:30 pm-7 pm  Active & Alive 538-4826 GC Business/Conf Center
Hurley City Counci 6 pm – 8 pml, Hurley City Hall
Stitch n Bitch  6:30 pm – 8:30 pm  Yada Yada Yarn
Open Mic 7:00 pm, Buckhorn Saloon  
Beginners Table Tennis (bring paddle) 7 pm-8 pm  Active & Alive 538-4826   GC Business/Conf Center
    “Identity Theft.”  12:30 pm, SC Senior Center.  Guest speaker Jackie Cooper; meeting of AARP Chapter 1496.  534-0130
    City of Bayard Comprehensive Plan Update Public Open House.  3-7 pm, Bayard Community Center. 
    Grant Soil and Water Conservation District.  4 pm, CYFD Conference Rm, 3082 32 St Bypass.  388-1569.
    Gila River Bank Stabilization Project Public Meeting.  4:30 pm, Open House; 5:30, Project Presentation.  Grant Co Admin bldg, 1400 US hwy 180.  
Qigong Classes (two classes) 5pm and 6:30pm The Center for Healing Arts 300 W. Yankie Street
Open Mic.  Buckhorn, Pinos Altos.  
Yang-style Tai Chi Chuan. 9-10:30 am, First Presbyterian Church, 1915 N. Swan. John & Anna Dye teach the authentic Yang-style Long Form. 5$, first class free. Mon. & Wed.
Open House at Persian Magic Carpets 108W Broadway next to the Palace Hotel, is open every Monday from 3 pm-7 pm. Refreshments are served. Come see antique and vintage rugs. All one of a kind. All handmade. Therese Higgins 575-538-3971.
Stitch-N-Bitch Yada Yada Yarn 614 N Bullard (Adults Only) Monday 6:30-8:30 pm.. Info..
Hapkido Class The classes are Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday from 4:45 PM to 5:55 PM at The Silver City Rec Center off of Gold.for info call Hiram Lewis 388-4367
Model Drawing 5:30-7:30 upstairs at Leyba & Ingalls ARTS

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