Tuesday, October 11, 2011


 Corner Yankee and Texas Street, Silver City NM
A little warmer this morning... 43 degrees this morning. The weather is supposed to gradually warm up in the coming days... Richard

Today's Weather
Today: Sunny, with a high near 69. Calm wind becoming west between 7 and 10 mph.  
Tonight: Clear, with a low around 43. North northwest wind between 6 and 10 mph.

Historic Mining District Tour 10:00 am , Bayard City Hall Reservations 575-537-3327 
Silver City Museum Dia De Los Muertos Craft Classes 10 am – noon 575-538-5921
Gentle Exer/Stretching, Active & Alive 538-4826 10 am-11 am , Mimbres Senior Center
Stretching/Toning with Bands, Active & Alive 11 am 538-4826 , Silver City Senior Center
Beginner Silver Stompers, 4 pm-5:30 pm Active & Alive  538-4826 , GC Business/Conf Center
Weights & Bands 6 pm – 7 pm Active & Alive 538-4826 , Bayard Community Cente
 Silver City Town Council meeting 6 pm, Grant County Admin Bldg
SOUPER TUESDAY.  11:30 am-1pm,  First United Methodist Church.   Sponsored by Faith Community (a planned continuous care retirement village).   Soup, bread, dessert and drink $6. Take outs available. Every Tuesday.  538-5754, 574-2724
Kiwanis Every Tuesday at noon Red Barn Steakhouse
Lunchtime Qigong Class 12:00-1pm. 300 W. Yankie at the Center for Healing Arts... http://www.abundancetherapeutics.com/
Gila Farmers' Market. 3:30-6:30 pm. 414 Hwy. 211 in Gila. 5352729.
Trivia.  7 pm, Billy’s Wild West BBQ and Wood Fired Pizza.  2138 Hwy 180E, around corner.  Zach Bruton Host.
Hapkido Class The classes are Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday from 4:45 PM to 5:55 PM at The Silver City Rec Center off of Gold.for info call Hiram Lewis 388-4367
Scott ‘The Blues.’ 7-9 pm, Diane's Parlor.

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